Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So Far, So Good

Well, 8 days is definitely better than 2 months. I'm making progress. Luke, however, seems to have stalled in the walking department. After taking 5 steps on the 20th, he has only taken a total of about 10 steps since. As I said before, he knows he can get there faster if he crawls. I'm not worried though; I know he'll get there and for now my life is easier with a crawler rather than a walker (or at least that's what everyone keeps telling me).

Last week, my mom was here to see Luke and help me celebrate my birthday but who are we kidding we all know where parents rank when a grandparent is around. We had a good time and Luke loved having Grammy around for a few days. The first afternoon she was here Luke refused to take a nap because he slept in the car on the way to the airport so as it was a nice fall day we went for a walk and stopped at the neighborhood park. Luke loves to swing (as apparent in the photo) and he thought the slide was pretty cool too.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hello Again

Okay so I said I would try to be more regular about posting. I'm getting better- it's only been 2 months this time :) Writing is not one of my favorite past times so maybe that's the problem or maybe I'm just lazy or maybe being a mom of a 14 month old is busy. I'll let you decide.

It's hard to believe that my birthday is almost here again. What a difference a year makes! So cliche but it's true. Another cliche- how fast the time goes! Luke is 14 1/2 months old already. I miss my baby (he'll always be my baby but he's not really an actual baby any more).

Last night for the first time Luke took 5 steps! My baby is WALKING! He has been working on it so hard the last few weeks. Troy and I have been encouraging him a ton but he always would get an attitude about it- almost like he didn't want to because he could get there faster if he crawled (he is a super speedy crawler). So far today he hasn't taken any more steps but Troy has been at work so maybe he's waiting for Daddy to get home to show off some more skills.

Just fyi I've given up on updating from where I left off. I figure it will be good if I can get one post a week going. However, I do have to put some pictures from Luke's birthday party up because they are so stinking cute!