Thursday, August 14, 2008

July 14, 2008- Mom goes home

After exactly three weeks in the hospital, I was able to go home.  It was incredibly hard to leave the hospital without Luke.  I would have stayed there the whole time Luke was there if the insurance would have covered it.  I was released about 4:30 in the afternoon.  Troy and I went straight to Target to fill my pain medication prescriptions- drugs are a good thing :)  When we got home, the first order of business for me was to see the nursery which unfortunately I was not able to participate in putting together.  The second order was to spend some time with our golden retriever, Maggie.  She was totally overjoyed to see me and I have to admit the feeling was mutual.  I had really missed her in the hospital and Troy said numerous times that Maggie would walk around the house trying to find me.  

Troy's parents were still here and had fixed us dinner.  It was absolutely wonderful to have a home cooked meal.  I enjoyed many home made treats in the hospital but never a full meal- I really enjoyed it.  After dinner it was back to the hospital to spend some time with Luke and feed him.  I had a very difficult time saying goodbye at the end of our visit.

July 13, 2008- Feeding Luke

Because Luke was early he did not have the ability to suck, swallow and breathe all at the same time.  That meant that he was not able to start breastfeeding or bottle feeding right away- he had a feeding tube for the first few days.  I was able to bottle feed him for the first time the morning of the 13th.  

I was so excited and happy to be able to do this- it made me feel so much more connected to him.  It was important to have Luke finish his bottles quickly so that he did not use up more energy eating than he was taking in.  That became a challenge because he liked to fall asleep while he was eating.  

Fortunately, while Luke was still in the NICU I was able to start breastfeeding him but we had to follow that with a bottle to make sure he was getting enough to eat.  As any mother who has breastfed her child will tell you, it is not an easy thing to do.  The first few weeks we were home were a definite challenge.  

July 10 - 12, 2008- Lots of visitors

Of course, all of our family was totally psyched about seeing Luke for the first time.  Troy's parents just happened to be here when I delivered.  My mom and sister arrived later that afternoon.  My dad and stepmom came the next day and Troy's brother and sister-in-law came on the 12th.

Troy's Parents

My Sister


My Mom

My Dad and Stepmom

Troy's Brother and Sister-in-law

July 11, 2008- Holding Luke for the first time

We were not able to hold Luke until the day after he was born because he was so early and the doctor did not want him to get over stimulated.  It was so difficult to only be able to look at him and touch him briefly that first day.  Thankfully, I was able to hold Luke the next morning.  Kangarooing is what the nurses called it- holding him bare skin to bare skin.  It helps develop the bond between parent and child.  

What an amazing moment to hold your child for the first time!  My heart absolutely melted- what a precious gift God had given us.  Because it was important for Luke to not be overstimulated I was the only one that was able to hold him in the morning.  Troy was able to hold him later in the day though.  If the nurses would have allowed it, I would have sat in his room and held him all day long.  Just awesome!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

July 10, 2008- Our Miracle Arrives!

Luke Edward Johnson is born!

5:41 am
5 pounds, 11.5 ounces
18 inches

After 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital because of complications with placenta previa, I had a "hurried" c-section. I woke up at 2:30 am and knew something was wrong- more bleeding. I called the nurses who came running. As they were rushing me to the labor and delivery side of the hospital floor, I frantically called Troy and told him to get to the hospital as soon as possible. (I think it took him 15 minutes) His parents also came although not quite as fast. I was hooked up to monitors and the baby looked good but the bleeding would not stop. At 4:15 am, the nurse came in to say that Dr. Donnelley would be delivering me. Everything happened very fast- I am actually very thankful it was fast because I didn't have too much time to think about it all. I have never had surgery before so it was very scary for me. The c-section went well and as mentioned above Luke arrived at 5:41 am. It was an unbelievable moment- one I'll never forget. Because Luke was 6 weeks early, I was only able to give him a quick kiss before he was rushed to the NICU. 

Troy went with him to make sure he was okay. It seemed to take forever for the doctor to finish the surgery but I was back in a recovery room about 6:30 am. It was so hard to not be able to see Luke right away- I had to wait until late in the afternoon before I was able to get out of bed, into a wheelchair and travel down one floor to see him in the NICU.  

It was even harder to not be able to hold him right away. He was hooked up to all kinds of tubes and monitors- it really broke my heart. Thankfully he was okay except he needed some extra help breathing. It was a very long day but one that will be imprinted in my memory forever.