Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Some thoughts and a few Pics

I'm not sure why this month has been so tough for me to blog but it has--even as I'm typing now I don't really want to be but feel I need to. I guess I'll just put a few recent pics of Luke on here and call it good for now.

I can say that we are all very excited for Christmas and visiting family and friends. We will be home just the three of us this year for Christmas day and Troy and I are really looking forward to experiencing the day and excitement with Luke. I don't know that Luke understands all about Santa and presents but we've been talking about that and also about the real reason for Christmas. He asks about the nativity scene on a daily basis and so we talk about Baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph along with the Wise Men. Luke seems to understand that these are all important people but that's an even harder concept.

I don't anticipate another post before Christmas so as Luke has taken to saying, "I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." He's singing the song and has told me several times, "Mom, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas." I love it! Luke also sings Jingle Bells very well. So, a very Merry Christmas to you and your families!

Our cute reindeer!

Troy's birthday was over the weekend. He was very excited to get the banjo he had been wanting. Luke enjoyed popping the bubble wrap it came in.
Our friends the Dolezals came to hang out with us yesterday--it was great to see them!
We also had the Biery family stay with us last night on their way to Kansas. The boys enjoyed exchanging Christmas presents and it was good to see them too.

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