Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas Tree

On Sunday morning we got up and ready early. Well at least it was early for us on a weekend :) We were going to get our Christmas tree. It was quite cold this year compared to the last few years so we were all bundled up; I guess I should probably say the guys were. I was as bundled as I could be for being 37 weeks pregnant and not having a coat that fits. Because it was cold and in turn I was cold we weren't outside too long looking for a tree. We ended up picking one that had been pre-cut rather than cutting it down ourselves. The main goal was met; we had a tree. We did have a good time wandering among the trees a bit and enjoying some family time. Troy and I (mostly Troy) got the tree in the house before lunch and after Luke woke up from his nap we put the lights on and then after dinner we put the ornaments on. That is the fastest we have ever had the tree purchased and decorated. It usually takes us a few days. Nothing like having a baby due to speed things along :) Can't wait to do all of this with her next year.

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