Sunday, July 11, 2010

What's Going on Here in OKC

Okay, so there is a lot to catch you up on. I'm going to do a summary in this post and then if time permits I'll do posts about each item below later this week.

*The biggest news is that Troy has a new job. He has accepted a geologist position with Chesapeake Energy here in OKC. This was a tough decision for Troy but he felt this was the best decision for his career at this point. I'm just glad it doesn't require moving again. Troy's first day is not until the 19th and his last day with Range was July 1 so we've been enjoying his time off.

*That leads to my next item. Because Troy had so much time between jobs we decided to go on a quick vacation just the two of us- yeah! We quickly planned a short get-away for last week. Troy and I went to Vail, CO and Troy's parents came down here to stay with Luke. We left very early Tuesday morning and got back Friday afternoon. It was wonderful to spend time together away from the stresses of everyday life. We had an awesome time!

*Luke's birthday was yesterday. We had a small party here for him but the 4th of July weekend we also had a party in KC. Luke had a great time being spoiled and eating ice cream cake. We spent the whole weekend with my mom and step-dad. One of the other highlights of the weekend was touring a Chinook helicopter and watching it take off at a 4th of July Festival. Luke loves helicopters so being on one was pretty cool.

*My sister Sarah was here visiting from June 22 until she drove to KC with us on July 1. It was awesome to have her with us for so long. Luke really enjoyed Aunt Sarah time! We enjoyed a trip to the pool, playing out in the backyard, going for walks and just good old hang out time. One highlight for me was going to see "Eclipse" at midnight the day it came out. That's a whole other post but man I had no idea how crazy teenage girls are for these movies!

Okay, so that's our news for the past couple of weeks. I'll do my best to get pictures posted later this week. Have a good week :)

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