Friday, July 30, 2010

Troy's New Job

This is the end of Troy's second week at Chesapeake. So far Troy is really happy with his decision to move jobs. He is enjoying the project he has been assigned and has also received several confirmations on a job well done to this point. There has been some adjustment for all of us because Troy is getting home later than before but Luke and I have discovered it allows us a little extra time to run errands after his nap.

One of the nice perks Chesapeake has is allowing families to come share lunch with the employee on Fridays. Luke and I have joined Troy the last two Fridays and I'm really enjoying it. There are a few restaurants on campus but so far we've gone to Fuel for both lunches. I have to say that it is a really cool set-up. You order your food on a touch-screen and you may choose from chinese, mexican, pasta and pizza; all of which you may customize to your desire. I had pasta last week and a taco salad today and was impressed both times.

Luke has been excited to go see Daddy at work both trips. The first trip obviously was exciting because it was a new place to explore and this week Luke remembered all the cool water features he could look at as we walked around. The Chesapeake campus is awesome. I was highly impressed last week. There are numerous brick buildings which house the offices along with great landscaping so it doesn't feel like your typical office building. These are a few pictures from this week. The building in the background in the bottom picture is Troy's actual building.

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