Monday, October 31, 2011

31-33 Weeks

Troy hasn't stopped taking pregnancy pictures of me I just haven't posted them the last few weeks. I think you can definitely see a difference between the 31 week pic and the 33 week pic below. I feel so much bigger lately. I really "popped" out last week I think. It's hard to believe there are only 7 weeks to go (I'm hoping for more like 5ish).

I feel overall pretty good. I'm definitely more tired the last couple of weeks and have started taking naps probably 2-3 afternoons a week. This little one is still having tons of hiccups and loves to throw some pretty big punches and kicks. My biggest complaint is the heartburn I've been having. Tums have really become my good friend :) I still get out of breath very easily and can't eat huge meals in one sitting but I'm thrilled that I get to experience this later stage of pregnancy out of the hospital. At this point with Luke I was only pregnant about a week and a half more and had been in the hospital for about a week.

The other big change is that this sweet little girl (love saying that!) has moved positions. She is now vertical with her head down rather than diagonal like she was last week. I have been hoping for this for quite a while now because diagonal wasn't so great for me; however, now that she's vertical I have to sit up very straight because her bottom is right under my rib cage but overall it is definitely more comfortable.

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