Saturday, January 26, 2013

Christmas in KC

We arrived in KC about mid-afternoon on the 28th.  That night we celebrated Christmas with my cousin and her family at their house.  Luke had a blast playing with Emma and Mary along with his new remote control monster truck.  Hannah was also entertained by Emma and Mary so Troy and I were able to relax for a few brief moments.
 The morning of the 29th we pretended it was Christmas morning all over again.  One of the most favorite parts of Christmas for this side of the family is opening our stockings.  We each take turns opening them and oh-ing and ah-ing over the treasures we find inside.  Hannah needed a nap during our gift opening so she had her own special gift opening time when she woke up.  
Our plan was to stay in KC until the morning of the 31st but the weather changed that and we came home late in the day on the 30th.  The guys enjoyed a train exhibit while the girls did some shopping before we all had lunch together before we headed back home.

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