Sunday, June 5, 2011

12 Weeks

So, do you see it? I do--there's a definite baby bump visible now. I also gave in yesterday and tried on all of the maternity pants, shorts and capris I have. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it not very many of them fit because they were too big. Not just because I'm not very far along but because the sizes were too big. So good news, I've lost weight since before being pregnant with Luke; bad news, now I have to buy/borrow more clothes that fit me. I went shopping yesterday afternoon and bought two pairs of shorts and another dress and today I found a skirt and some capris. I'm going to leave it at that for now and hope I can make it for a couple months before I need more.

They other good news of the week is that I'm feeling SO much better. It started Monday and has gradually gotten better all week. I've been able to eat somewhat normally although sweets/sugar and anything too acidic are still off limits and not everything sounds good but it's a huge improvement and I'll take it. Troy is also thrilled because the house is looking cleaner and I've been cooking! Luke and I have also been able to get back to a more normal routine and we even went to the swimming pool on Friday afternoon.

Troy and I have discussed baby names several times throughout the week. I will tell you now though that we don't share our names. There are just way too many opinions out there. One thing I can tell you though is that if it's a girl her middle name will be Elizabeth as is mine, my mom's and my grandma's. A boy will also have a family middle name we just haven't come up with which one yet although Troy's middle name of Anthony is the current front-runner.

My next doctor's appointment is on the 15th and I'm so anxious to see this baby again! I know it will look more like a baby and will move around a bunch for us to see. I'm also anxious to get Luke's reaction to seeing a more human form. He's been very positive about the baby and I'm praying that this continues.

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