Friday, September 6, 2013

First Days of School

Luke started school on Wednesday.  We're waiting one more year for kindergarten and so he's back at the same preschool as last year.  Luke was very anxious to start school again this year.  We went supply shopping a few weeks ago and I've been hearing about it since then.  We went to meet the teacher day last week although Luke has the same teachers as last year; he is in a different classroom though.  Luke will go to school from 9-11:30 on Monday and from 9-2:45 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Wednesday morning we were ready to go early so I could take some pictures before we headed to school.  After that we headed to school and I asked LJ what he was most excited about.  His response was playground time.  Drop off went great and Luke barely gave me a hug and kiss good-bye.  I wasn't expecting any less.
Luke wanted to play on the playground after school (a routine from last year) so we did that for a while although it was rather hot.  I tried to get some answers about his day although I didn't get much response.  Finally after much proding, I got a summary that went something like this:

*Playground time
*Circle time
*Story time
*Potty time
*Snack time
*Enrichment time
*Lunch time
*Play time
*Playground time
*Potty time
*Story time
*Free play time
*Go home time

Luke has three other boys in his class this year that were also in his class last year.  One of his teachers asked me to explain to LJ that the teachers are going to look to the four of them to help out around the classroom since they know the routine.  Luke thought was pretty cool and said he would do a good job.

Yesterday was Hannah's first day of MDO.  Luke was super excited for her to be going to school with him.  We repeated the getting ready early so we could take a few pictures and then we headed off.  I was a bit anxious about leaving Hannah; she has been pretty clingy lately and we all know she's a big time momma's girl.  We took Luke's stuff upstairs to his classroom and then we all went to drop off Hannah before I took Luke out to the playground.  Hannah's drop off went okay.  She was a bit hesitant but she didn't cry.  I had a few tears and sniffles but handled it well I think.
Because her drop off went relatively well I didn't worry about her too much during the day.  Of course I thought about her a bunch but I wasn't worried about her.  I went to the outlet mall and did some shopping before coming home for lunch and enjoying a quiet house for a bit before heading to pick up the kids.

Well, turns out Hannah didn't have a great day.  She apparently cried off and on all day long.  Her teachers said she wasn't inconsolable so they didn't call me but she had a pretty rough day.  When I appeared in the doorway, one of her teachers was holding her because she was already crying.  She saw me and starting crying harder and reaching for me.  I felt awful.  I could tell she had been upset for a while because her eyes were all puffy and her face was red.  Needless to say she was very happy to see me.  Her teachers said she had a few good moments but it was a long day for her.  She ate a decent lunch but only slept for 30 minutes.  We went down to get Luke and then headed home.
I was expecting Hannah to be super clingy for the rest of the afternoon.  She was for part of it but it seemed like she calmed down fairly quickly after getting back in her normal environment and realizing I wasn't going anywhere.

I knew that Hannah was either going to have no problem at all transitioning to MDO or it was going to be really tough.  If yesterday is a good indication of the future it might be a rough road for a while.  I know that Hannah needs to be away from me for a bit and realize she can handle that and she also needs the socialization but it is going to be much tougher to leave her on Tuesday than it was yesterday.  I have a feeling she isn't going to let me go so easily or without crying.  I hope she can figure out quickly that she can be okay without me or another family member and that school is fun.

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