Friday, September 13, 2013


As the week goes further along we're taking less pictures--that's what happens every year.  We took 86 for Thursday.  The kids were both at school so that definitely has an impact too.  

All summer I have been looking forward to having both kids in school for two days a week.  My list of projects is long, my desire for some me time is high and yesterday I finally felt like Hannah was getting more comfortable at school and I was able to enjoy my day a bit more.

Hannah woke up early for her--a little before 7:30.  I was just getting in the shower.  I had to make LJ get up a little after 8 (I recall that Thursdays are tough for him because he's getting tired from the week).  We got off to school on time but I realized I forgot H's water cup.  I took that back up to school and happily saw that she wasn't crying anymore (no, she did not see me).  I came home and blogged, did laundry and a few other odds and ends before going to pick up Troy for lunch.  We went to RePUBlic; I've never been before.  It was great to have some us time and enjoy some nice food.  On my way home I stopped at Loft (my favorite) and used my 25% off coupon :)  Once home, I changed the laundry again (I wish it wasn't such a never ending process), watered the plants, picked up upstairs and had a bit of quiet time before heading up to school.  I really hadn't been able to get good pics of either of the classrooms so I went a bit early to try and do that (I got a few).  We played on the playground again before coming home.  I really like their playground--it's shaded, there aren't any mosquitos (like our yard) and there are friends to play with too.  Luke worked on beads and Hannah finished her lunch when we got home.  H kept asking to go night, night so I put her in her crib.  I folded some laundry, changed the laundry and helped LJ with his beads.  After an hour of listening to H just quietly talk to herself I got her up.  I truly think she just wanted some alone time.  The kids watched Daniel Tiger and I talked to mom.  Troy brought Chipotle home with him for dinner.  The kids played with him on the floor again and after LJ threw a fit about not winning on the Wii we opted for an early bath time.  H went to bed early as she was exhausted and Troy and Luke hung out while I went upstairs to scrap (that is so, so rare these days).  T put Luke to bed about 8 and then messed around on his computer with the TV on.  I came back downstairs and hung out with him for a while before we both got ready and went to bed.
Early morning
I don't want to get up
Almost always has pj's unzipped in morning
Don't leave me (death grip)
School work
Solo ride
Game my sis and I play
My favorite pot from the summer
My favorite drink right now
Story time
This is what she does when I pick her up.  She cries super hard until she's in my arms.
Photo bomb--I was trying to take a pic of me folding laundry
A favorite game right now
Why is getting cleaned up so hard?
Some snuggles with my munchkin
Splish, Splash
Nice and dry
Hooray for scrap time
Someone didn't want their picture taken
Nightly spot

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